Distillers Duffez, producer of Cypress essential oil

The production is reasoned and responsible, the modern infrastructure makes it possible to limit energy consumption... Everything is thought out upstream to limit the impact on the environment, the waste even feeds the biomass boiler. A complete approach!
At the Duffez family, the key words are Tradition, Quality and Modernity.

The Duffez family has been in charge of the Duffez distillery since its creation in 1947. For more than 70 years, the family team has been working the land in Drôme Provençale and cultivating and distilling on site the best varieties of lavender, cypress, wood of cadier and other flowers and shrubs.

The Duffez are committed to ensuring a harvest that respects the environment and the plants in order to ensure better production and the conservation of this plant heritage. Their distillery meets the requirements of the strictest regulations (AB, Ecocert, Reach compliant...).

Find the Cypress essential oil harvested and distilled by the Duffiez family in our eye contour care EYES.