All our articles


The advice of our experts to answer all your technical questions.
Pascale Gal, Doctor of Pharmacy, aromatherapist, deciphers the skin, its needs and the key points of cosmetics. Essential oils, natural active ingredients, serum, cream, effective ingredients...

Our beauty blog to give you the best tips for a great skin.
All our advice to meet your beauty concerns. Facial Yoga, Good Gestures, Beauty Rituals...

And the opinions of journalists on our products.

Holistique & Les Huilettes
Our beauty Blog -

Holistique & Les Huilettes

At les Huilettes, we are convinced that beauty is a holistic approach. Yes but why? and how?

On la veut ? Ce sérum a réponse à tout ! - GALA
Press clippings -

On la veut ? Ce sérum a réponse à tout ! - GALA

The power of oils
Expert advices -

The power of oils

Botanical oils, essential oils, what are the benefits?

 I detox, yes but why?
Our beauty Blog -

I detox, yes but why?

Because my first beauty goal is radiance, and because it's good for my body.

10 natural skincare products - FEMINA
Press clippings -

10 natural skincare products - FEMINA

Try BODY, our nourishing treatment oil, for hydrated and toned skin

Les tips de l'été de Claire
Our beauty Blog -

Les tips de l'été de Claire

Meet our AI
Our beauty Blog -

Meet our AI

Everyone's talking about ChatGPT... but what use in beauty?

SOS stretch marks
Our beauty Blog -

SOS stretch marks

How to prevent and diminish the appearance of stretch marks?

Kobido, what is it?
Our beauty Blog -

Kobido, what is it?

Everyone talks about it, but if we gave the key principles of KOBIDO?

Clear your mind with spring cleaning
Our beauty Blog -

Clear your mind with spring cleaning

Devoting ourselves to the essentials. It happened just like that while listening to a podcast. The host, a coach, discusses topics that resonate with us and gives us advice...

Connaissez-vous notre tribu Huilettes addicted?
Our beauty Blog -

Connaissez-vous notre tribu Huilettes addicted?

Which soap for me? - FEMME ACTUELLE
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Which soap for me? - FEMME ACTUELLE

Looking for a purifying soap? Try our purifying solid soap, ideal for nourishing, protecting and purifying the body and hands!

Showing 1-51 of 197 article(s)